Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sketch of Kevan as a Kid

More practice on the Cintiq using the Real 2B Pencil brush in Painter. Lots more "flip vertical" "flip horizontal" to try to get proportions and angles right. It's funny how correcting one thing can then make another thing not work anymore.

I really have to work more on controlling the angle of the stylus. All the Real media brushes in Painter 11 are sensitive not only to pressure of your stylus, but also the slant of the stylus ie the angle to the surface of the cintiq. This means you can use a pencil as a point, as a wide block like a big piece of graphite or charcoal held flat to the surface, and anywhere in between.

It is quite a challenge to not angle your "point" when drawing different places on the canvas, and thus getting a wide shaded line where you didn't want it. And also a challenge being consistent with the angle and the pressure of the stylus when putting down value tones that are quite light. I'm not there yet, but that is the point of the practice.

And funny how when I upload it online, I feel it is the chin that is wrong, for the second night in a row.

I really should have been doing this sort of observation practice all the time for the past twenty years. I swear I have hardly ever done it since I left university (June 1985... eee!) Very good for brushing up the eye/mind ability to see, as well as the hand/eye coordination to be able to put down on paper what you see and want to draw.

More to come...

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